There are different reasons for training at Warrior Playground.
You just have to decide which program is right for you!
700 9th Ave., Longmont, CO 80501
(303) 485-1000 |
Beginner Ninja Competition
The Best Way to get started with competitive ninja training
check out the video about this comp
Beginner “Mini Course” Contest Rules
Competitors will have a 60 second time limit to complete each course. Each course is composed of 4-8 obstacles. All competitors will get 1 run on each course. Athletes will earn points for each obstacle completed. The athlete who completes the most obstacles in the fastest time will win.
Your run will end:
If you use the full 60 seconds
If you have 3 failed obstacles.
When you complete the course.
There are no practice runs allowed, there are no Do-Overs or Mulligans allowed. Order of runners will be from high to low numbers within each group. All competitors will be assigned their number when they check in. If needed additional instructions will be given through email, upon arrival/ check in, or during final instructions & course demo. Each course will be labeled and participants will be instructed to wait near their Group/ course. Each group’s judge will instruct participants on how to run the course and get all participants in numerical order.
Each group’s judge will start the first contestant at the same time and try to keep everyone moving to get through the course on time. There will be a 20-25 minute block of time to get all participants through the course. Judges will then instruct their group to rotate (A to B & B to A) to the next course.
How to Place/ Qualify
Preliminary Rounds Time & Scoring system
Top 10 places for each mini course earns points (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)
If you take 1st or 2nd on any mini course, you get an automatic bid into the finals.
Highest point earners will make up the remainder of the top finalists. We will take the top 50% of the field up to 10 competitors into the finals course.
Mini courses are based on time and how far one makes it on the course (furthest/ fastest).
In the event of a tie, we will look at the fastest time to the last obstacle completed.
In the event of a points tie for finalists, we will look at the fastest combined course time & total number of obstacles completed.
Finals Course
The Finals Course will be a 7-10 obstacle course and will be scored in the traditional format of American Ninja Warrior. All competitors will get 1 run on this course. Whoever makes it the furthest/ fastest wins. The Finals course will allow for 1 mulligan.
1st Place - Medal, Warrior Playground T-Shirt, 4 Week Membership
2nd Place - Medal, Warrior Playground T-Shirt, 1 Week Membership
3rd Place - Medal, Warrior Playground Headband
Tips for Competitors
Wear rubber soled shoes to get the best traction on our course
We prefer liquid chalk or “chalk balls” over loose chalk. You are welcome to bring yours, but iIf you do not have any, you can purchase some at our front desk upon arrival.